With so much national and international attention placed on future automotive technologies like autonomous driving and connected cars, it’s easy to forget that testing today’s vehicles is still in high demand. ITIC’s automotive test bed in Greenville is a multi-use facility, offering a variety of testing services for just about any automotive need imaginable. For instance, over the course of two consecutive weekends in September, the City of Greenville police department conducted driver training on ITIC’s mile-long straightaway test track to refresh officers on what to expect when involved in a pursuit. Using a variety of test track configurations, every officer on the City police force spent one full day participating in rigorous high-speed driving, cornering and chase scenarios.
“It’s important for every officer to get a feel for how their squad car handles the road during a high-speed chase and to learn how to safely and effectively pursue a fleeing perpetrator,” says Corporal Mark Huntington. “The length and width of ITIC’s test track are ideal for this type of training because we can create multiple courses that simulate the scenarios an officer is likely to encounter on the job.”
In addition to track rental, ITIC offers facility rental and has an event services division capable of handling logistics for any conceivable automotive testing, training and event showcase need. Event services is expressly focused on making the customer experience easy and to offer ideas to help maximize their use of all ITIC testing and event facilities.
For information about ITIC’s testing and event services, call (864) 451-5761 or email public.relations@itic-sc.com.